The MDJ Assessoria e Engenharia Consultiva is, since 1995, a company specialized in consultancy and advisory services.
Companies that operate in Brazil today face a number of problems, including difficulty in developing and implementing good projects that can effectively achieve good results, difficulties in implementing best practices and market trends, the need for specific knowledge in certain moments, little time devoted to "rethink the business" (Planning), difficulties in training, developing and retaining good staff and lack of integrated view of business processes.
On the other hand there is a heterogeneous market of consulting firms with few large companies and many small and experts. The big consulting firms have increasingly less affordable cost. The integrated solutions came only from the larges, the small ones addressing their focus only the specific aspects, and a large part of these companies, both large and small, showing little commitment to the implementation and the continuity of the solutions.
Within this reality, the MDJ is positioning itself since 1995 in order to bring their products and services to the real needs of its customers.